What is relatively new, is a new understanding of synergistic blends.
Let’s back up a bit.
-Over the years, homeopaths have been working with and building on top of the work done by those who have gone before. we have had the classical homeopaths using single remedies in a poetic but largely less than effective way. Then came cluster remedies, groups of ingredients bunched together, designed to follow the expected path of the disease, frowned upon by the more classical of our colleagues, but nevertheless, more popular.
Along came homotoxicology, the new wave in performance, and in many ways a bridge between homeopathy and what we call conventional medicine. This method, like the previous two, is widely used today but is different in that it is more focused on the environment that the disease finds itself in. Change the terrain, and the disease pattern must also change, giving the immune system a chance to do its thing.
Now, back to synergistic blends, the sounds materials make, and how these sounds modulate the immune system.
We call them immuno-catalysts, and they were developed in answer to all the questions posed by the coronavirus variants and their accompanying vaccines. In short, after covid, the immune system got dumb. Blends were sought that could clean blocked DNA so that the immune system could hear the distress calls in the body and start working again.
Imagine our surprise when these fourth-generation meds started doing things we hadn’t even asked them to do. Tumors disappearing, leaving behind them holes where tumors had become abscess, burst and then leaving an ulcer in their wake. this is something that homotoxicology sometimes did, but nowhere nearly as reliably. If the patient can pull through the shock caused by the burst abscess, the rest of the journey seems to be a matter of time in most cases to a happy conclusion.
Other good news is the treatment of arthritis of various types and some emotional disorders.
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