Congestion in the body can be caused by dairy products, refined sugars, chemicals, metals, foreign proteins, among other things, all creating inflammation in the body.

In the presence of inflammation mucus is discharged from the mucosa as an anti-inflammatory response. This mucus can accumulate if the lymphatic system is stagnant or if too much mucus is produced leading to an overwhelmed system.

As this congestion develops, it blocks proper cellular respiration which in turn causes cellular weakness and cellular death.

The cycle of congestion and inflammation now starts a cycle of cellular death and decay, opening the doorway to cancer.

With all of this in mind, it is important to understand the importance of the lymphatic system.

Your lymph system is a vital part of your immune system. To enhance your immune system you must clean out your Lymphatic system. Kidneys, colon and skin are the exit of your lymphatic system waste. If there is obstruction it is essential to detoxify in order to eliminate cancer.

The removal of lymph nodes should be avoided because they are fundamental keys for the elimination of disease in the body.

To heal, one must clean and rebuild the body by promoting detoxification and regeneration of cells through diet, herbal formulas and homeopathy.

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+351 962 851 487

Monday - Friday 12:00 - 14:00
